American Polywater Qt Sqz Bottle Polywater Lubricant CLR

American Polywater #:CLR-35
UPC: 027868065002

Your Price: $0.00
American Polywater Qt Sqz Bottle Polywater Lubricant CLR
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Specification Sheet
Weight:0 lbs
Country of Origin:USA
Lead Time: 2 Days

Detailed Description

1-qt. bottle. Clear Lubricant for Everyday Cable PullingPolywater CLR Clear Cable Pulling Lubricant is a clear, colorless, clean, slow-drying, easy-to-apply gel lubricant. This thick gel lubricant was developed to avoid drippage for easy handling and application.
Type: Cable Pulling Lubricant
Application: Clear, colorless, clean cable Pulling Lubricant that is a slow drying, easy to apply. This thick gel lubricant was developed with clingability for easy handling and application, and popular for small cable installations. .
Special Features: clear, friction reduction, water based, biodegradable, gel, colorless, slow-drying,
Standard: UL Listed, IEEE Standard 1210 - 2004, UL 267

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