American Polywater Qt Spray Bottle Polywater Rubber Goods Cleaner

American Polywater #:RBG-35LR
UPC: 027868059001

Your Price: $0.00
American Polywater Qt Spray Bottle Polywater Rubber Goods Cleaner
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Specification Sheet
Weight:0 lbs
Country of Origin:USA
Lead Time: 2 Days

Detailed Description

1-qt. bottle with sprayer. Reduce Tracking and Restore VisibilityPolywater Rubber Goods Cleaner is a specially formulated water-based cleaner for removing grease, dirt, carbon, creosote, and other grimes from insulating blankets, linemans gloves, rubber sleeves, jumper cables, hot jumpers, and line hose.
Color: Clear
Flammability: Non-flammable
Dilution: None Required
Form: 12 per Box
Ph Range: Neutral
Shelf Life: 1 Year
Container: bottle
Application: cleans insulating blankets, lineman's gloves, rubber sleeves, jumper cables, hot jumpers, line hose
Composition: Neutral Water-Based Cleaning Solution
Density: 8.35 lbs/gal
Fragrance: Mild Soap
Size: 1 quart
Special Features: Water-Based Safety Cleaner for Lineman's Tools, insulated rubber goods cleaner, compatible on EPDM, increases reliability, biodegradable
Specific Gravity: >1
Standard: ASTM F496-99, ASTM D471

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