American Polywater Qt CableFree Loosener

American Polywater #:CF-35
UPC: 027868010309

Your Price: $0.00
American Polywater Qt CableFree Loosener
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Specification Sheet
Weight:0 lbs
Country of Origin:USA
Lead Time: 2 Days

Detailed Description

1-qt. bottle. Reclaims Conduit RacewaysCableFree Loosener is designed to remove cemented wires and cables from conduit systems caused by yellow wax-based or old soap-based pulling lubricant residues; cloth-jacketed wires; bird nesting of wires; and rust, mud, or bitumen deposits
Application: Specialty Lubrican for removing cables from ducts, softens binding agents minimizing the force required t pull cable out
Special Features: cable remover aid, specialty lubricants, softens binding agents, stuck wires, loosener, dissolve,
Standard: NEC Code article 800.2; 800.52(1); 770.2
Type: Cable Cleaner

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