Panduit FlexCore Fiber Enclosure Lock Style 1

Panduit #:FDFELS
UPC: 613056839892

Your Price: $66.43 / EA
Panduit FlexCore Fiber Enclosure Lock Style 1
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Ask about this product FlexCore Fiber Enclosure Lock Style 1 Weight:0.108 lbs
Country of Origin:USA
Lead Time: 0 Days

Detailed Description

Keyed alike, unmarked locks (set of two) to secure FlexCore Fiber Enclosures on the user side - Style 1 with four unmarked keys. "Keyed alike" means that the two locks in this part number are keyed the same as each other. "Unmarked" means that the locks and keys in this part number have no engraving on the locks and keys themselves. These are differently keyed than similar enclosure lock styles (Panduit part numbers FDFELS2, FDFELS3, FDFELS4) to give a total of four lock style options.

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