Ideal Industries 35-794 Hip Kit,Ideal,Consist Of 2: 45-120 - Premium T-5 T-Stripper Wire Stripper

Ideal Industries #: 35-794
SKU: IDEA35-794
UPC: 783250608195
Consist Of 3: 35-908 7-In-1 Twist-A-Nut Screwdriver
Consist Of 1: One LASERedge Plier With Dipped Grip Handles (30-430 9-1/4 IN Linesman With Crimper)
Consist Of 2: 45-120 Premium T-5 T-Stripper Wire Stripper
Consist Of 4: 35-242 25 FT Auto-Lock Tape Measure
Consist Of 5: 35-300 Utility Knife
Special Features: Features: Hip Kit Includes The Following Items: 6-Pocket Hip Pouch; Black Smart-Grip Side Cutter Plier W/ Crimp Die Auto-Lock Tape Measure; 25 FT Utility Knife 7-IN-1Twist-A-Nut Screwdriver/Nut Driver Kinetic Reflex T Stripper; 10-18 AWG; Includes: 35-505