Burndy CS3CO2835250500B Cold Shrink 3C conversion, 250 - 500

Burndy #: CS3CO2835250500B
SKU: BURNCS3CO2835250500B
UPC: 621945584983
Product Type: Sleeve Only
Series: UD-BC
EU RoHS Indicator: Under Review
Product Name: CS3CO2835250500B, Medium Voltage Cold Shrink Termination Kit, 28-35kV 3-Phase Conversion Series-Outdoor, Sleeve w/ Boot for Bare Concentric Conductor
Description - Long: The Type CS3CO2835-B Series of 3 Phase Conversion Kits with Outdoor Sleeves with Boot for Bare Concentric Conductor. Conversion kits includes outdoor cold shrinkable tube (unprinted), 3-leg boot, seal, cable tie, and installation guide. Conforms to IEEE-48-2009, Class 1 and ISO/IEC 17025 Standards. Test reports available upon request.
Environmental Conditions: Outdoor
Material: Caoutchouc de silicone
Application: To be used with Single Conductor, 28-35 kV XPLE and EPR non-shielded power cables for the Electrical/Industrial/Construction market.
Type: CS3CO2835-B
Voltage Rating: 28/35 kV